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With its ideal weight of 200gr/m2, our organic down duvet will keep you warm all year round, while guaranteeing very good thermoregulation. Warm and light at the same time, it meets the needs of over 95% of households, even without heating. Our tempered duvet is also the ideal solution if you are always too hot and your partner is prone to cold feet, or vice versa. Discover the feeling of sleeping in a cloud!
With its ideal weight of 200gr/m2, our organic down duvet will keep you warm all year round, while guaranteeing very good thermoregulation. Warm and light at the same time, it meets the needs of over 95% of households, even without heating. Our tempered duvet is also the ideal solution if you are always too hot and your partner is prone to cold feet, or vice versa. Discover the feeling of sleeping in a cloud!
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New natural filling: 90% pure down / 10% pure feathers = 100% French white duck
Very resistant cover: 100% certified organic combed cotton, tightly woven 230TC (91fils/cm2) to be down proof and prevent the passage of dust mites.
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For optimal use, it is recommended to :
In theory, the mattress topper does not need to be washed, as it is normally protected by your fitted sheet and mattress protector. However, you can wash it following the same instructions as for duvets and pillows. Given the volume of a mattress topper, it is recommended that you leave it to a professional.
Nobody is really allergic to feathers and down. People who are allergic to dust mites are in fact allergic to the dust in some bedding that feeds the mites. If the feather and down are well treated, well dusted and well protected, there is no more allergy. This is also one of the big differences between good European bedding and cheap bedding without expertise.
You might think that a duvet or pillow with a synthetic filling would be more mite-proof, because it is easier to wash at higher temperatures. But this is not the case, as synthetic fibres are hollow and literally act as a hotel for dust mites. In addition, the fabrics of most cheap synthetic duvets are completely permeable to the passage of dust mites to their preferred location.
Some manufacturers add chemical dust mite treatments to duvets, feathers and feathers to create a repellent effect. These products are not recommended for sleeping with the nose on every night and they diminish and eventually disappear after a few washes (10 washes only resistance for the best products).
The best way to avoid dust mites is to use naturally dust mite free bedding and to wash your bed sheets once a week.
Our French duvets and feathers are treated in a high quality factory and go through several washes and 4 to 5 stages of dusting (compared to 1-2 for Chinese products) before being stored and used as bedding filling, which guarantees 0% dust mites.
In addition, we have chosen a cotton percale bedding cover, woven very tightly in 230TC (91fils/cm2) and are therefore what is known as Down Proof in the jargon, which prevents the passage of down and feathers, but also so that dust mites have no chance of passing through the fabric.
Our natural duvets, natural pillows and natural mattress toppers are therefore naturally dust mite proof.
If you are allergic to dust mites we have a blog post with interesting information about this here.
De –
aucun regret pour cet achat, j’avais déjà acheté un surmatelas en plumes de canards et maintenant avec la couette, je dors comme sur un nuage, tout simplement génial, merci Kalani
Aurore –
La texture de l’enveloppe est douce est agréable. La couette est légère et très confortable. On remarque directement la qualité du produit. Je suis cependant déçue par le qualificatif “chaud” qui lui était attribué. Je la pensais beaucoup plus chaude , comparée à une précédente.
Maxime –
Quel bonheur de se glisser dans son lit chaque soir! La nouvelle couette m’a permis de diminuer la temperature de la chambre en dessous de 17C sans soucis.
Elea –
Couette parfaite. Très agréable, légère tout en étant suffisamment chaude.
S. –
J’ai eu un peu peur de n’avoir pas fait un achat qui me convenait, il m’a fallu 4 nuits pour m’adapter…mais dès la 5ème nuit c’était chose faite. Enchantée par cette couette de très belle qualité, légère mais pas trop, elle procure une douce chaleur très agréable.
Kim –
het deken valt lekker soepel: het is licht in gewicht en toch heerlijk warm. Ook helemaal fan van het etiket dat aanduidt welke kant de kop/voet is – een klein detail dat wel eens wat frustratie kan besparen! 🙂
Anne –
Achetée les yeux fermés, tant je suis fan de vos produits. Et je confirme, on ne peut que l’apprécier !
Christine –
J’ai acheté votre couette “hiver” en plumes: quel régal !
Stéphane –
Nous étions déjà fans des housses, draps et taies, les nuits sont encore plus douces avec la couette. Testée pour l’instant en conditions hivernales, pas encore en été.
Hans –
warm genoeg